A lot of our training sessions take place in clients working environments, one thing that I always take away is how much of nature is simply not seen on team members daily commute to their office.
Regardless of time and distance it becomes habitual, for some it’s time to wake up, some use it to mentally prepare for the day ahead and some literally sleep through it, everything just flashes past in a blur.
If I ask them to describe their journey it usually appears to be dull lacking in colours smells feel, it’s crowded boring and just something that “we have to go through everyday”.
I usually ask all trainees “if you could change one thing about your work life what would it be”?
The answers can be fascinating and provide me with a genuine insight into areas of challenge, however one thing that never comes up is “change my commute”
So let’s look into this, how much better would it be, if everyday when you and your colleagues arrived at work you are feeling fresh, vibrant, energised grateful and ready for the day?
Here’s the thing that can happen by making one simple adjustment.
When you commute open your eyes, and your mind, regardless of where you are nature is all around you, see it, embrace it allow it in and allow it to recharge and refresh you allow it to kickstart your day, beauty is there all around us, everyday, it’s free and it’s wonderful, we just need to see it.
In the immortal words of my personal theme tune from the late great Louis Armstrong
*“I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself What a wonderful world”*
Every day of our lives is gift a blessing, and nature provides us with the theme tune for this.
This week is Mental health Awareness Week and at VOS we are proud to offers services to help all and sundry with such challenging issues, we also strongly believe in the power of the simple things in life, such as nature.
There is a wonderful adage, “If you can’t change what you look at, change the way you look at it”
So please try this, start tonight on your way home and again tomorrow on your way to work, look out for the beauty of nature take a moment, see it embrace it, enjoy it, and just watch how your days will improve, this change will cost nothing and you’re going that way anyway.
*“I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world”*
Embrace the joy of nature every day, open your eyes to her beauty, open your mind harness the energy make it your thing and see for yourself, “what a wonderful world”.
*lyrics from Louis Armstrong 's Song " What a wonderful world".